Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weeks 31 - 35

Round two of catching up.. Here we are in February and the weeks continue to fly by. I read the other day that there is a psychological aspect to the last month of pregnancy. Basically you are uncomfortable enough that it forces a woman to become mentally prepared for having the baby. In other words, get out and give me back my body! I do believe I have crossed over that line. Don't get me wrong, being pregnant is a magical and wonderful experience. But maybe a little bit less so when there is someone else’s appendage stuck in your ribs. Or when the sweet darling is using your bladder for a pillow. Or when you find yourself seriously considering asking your massage therapist for help with putting back on your socks..

We are certainly rounding the bend though, I took my last traveling work trip last week. Flew down to Philly for meetings in Mt. Laurel NJ and a celebratory dinner (recently resigned my largest client for 4 more years, lovely). Chris and I really dived in this weekend and finished the nursery. We had maternity shots this past Sunday which was great motivation to get it done. I promise to take some pictures soon to post. The room turned out really well, I can't help myself but to go in there at least once a day and take it all in. Perry keeps asking me if we can "go hang out in Adeline's room". I love the language and phrases he picks up and how he uses it.

Speaking of New Jersey, Chris is in Parsippany this week for work and then his travel winds down also. I am looking forward to savoring these last weeks as a family of three together before this new little one joins in on all the fun.

I do have a few medical updates to share also. We had an ultra sound back on 10th of January. Baby B is officially head down and they estimated her weight to be at the 4 lb 5 oz, which is at the 50th percentile (although at this point she is a least a pound bigger if not more). She has a nice round belly which came in at the 80th percentile and a heart rate of 160. There was some concern that my placenta might be too low to allow for a VBAC. Luckily they marked this in my charts but neglected to tell us so we didn't know it was a concern until they were validating that in fact it was not. The placenta is high enough to not interfere.

Our next and probably last ultra sound is on the 10th of February. They gave us some 3D images last time, curious if they will do that again this time. The technology is certainly impressive but you still really have to use your imagination. It is like taking a picture of someone who has shoved their face up against a window, not really very pretty.

And here is the rest of the weekly pictures, or really more bi-weekly. I do plan to post weekly from here on out. Although you know what they say about best laid plans..


  1. You are looking so good! And so ready. I can' trait to see the nursery, it will be darling.

  2. Post the 3D pictures!!! Yey...
    You look great! We seem to share the same look on our faces. "This is magical and beautiful and can't believe it's gone this quickly" with a mix of "Let's get this kid out of here, she's taking up valuable real estate and pretty sure there's no more room to grow"
