Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm back! Weeks 25 - 30

Happy New Year! Between traveling to Austin for Thanksgiving, a week-long national sales meeting for my company in Orlando, spending the week of Christmas in Salt Lake city, a slew of allergies, colds and the flu... Well our little family has been rather consumed over the last couple of months and the blog was an unfortunate bystander. But I am back now and plan to see it out for the rest of this pregnancy. We have been trying to keep up with the pictures but have missed a week here and there along the way.

Speaking of this pregnancy, baby girl is coming along quite well. She gets bigger and stronger every day and wakes me up at night with her kicking and hiccups. Perry knows her name, although sometimes when you ask him what it is he says Santa Claus which is pretty darn adorable. Chris bought him a book about being a bigger brother for Christmas and it one of his favorite bedtime reads. We finished painting his new room and moved him in a few weeks back. We also converted his crib to a toddler bed which he loves. His room has carpet and he loves rolling around and practicing his somersaults. He is more a little boy and less a baby every day.

I thought I would break up the updates this week into two. I am planning to post weeks 31 - 33 this week, I hit 33 this Thursday. Part of me can't believe how quickly this is going by and the other part is tired of waiting. So stay tuned, more to come this week!